
7 Steps to Make Blogging Fast, Easy, and Fun

Jan 18, 2024 | Blogging, Copywriting

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7 Steps to Make Blogging Fast, Easy, and Fun

Do you 😍love to blog or write content for your business? If you’re like most business owners, probably not. 😢 You know getting information out there should help your business, but doing it? Well, you can probably find things you like to do more.

I’ve seen how blogging has boosted businesses from ho-hum income to HOLY COW! 🐮 The thing is, the blogs and content have to be written and published.

If you’ve been struggling with writing blogs for your business, then my 7 steps to make blogging fast, easy, and fun will help you get them done, quickly, and while having some fun. (Yes, blogging can be fun.)

(This article is going to focus on blogging. You can use tools and tips for most kinds of content thought.)

Let’s get started!

1. Set the Stage and Choose a Reward

If you don’t have dedicated writing time on your calendar, then schedule 10 to 15 minutes (or longer). Starting small will help build your confidence and you’ll learn how to make it more fun for you.

Take some time to set the stage for your writing time. Here are some ideas:

  • Quickly clean off your desk (spend only five minutes)
  • Put on some music that helps you write (if you don’t have a favorite yet, pick one and try it)
  • Light a candle or spray a favorite scent in your space 

Or, you can go somewhere other than your usual working space. Getting out of your normal environment can help get the words flowing.

Next, choose a reward for completing your writing time. It doesn’t have to be expensive or cost any money. You could treat yourself to a coffee at your favorite coffee shop, or just give yourself a walk around the neighborhood to congratulate yourself for doing what you set out to do.

Setting the stage and choosing a reward makes writing easier and more fun. 

Your writing sessions don’t have to be hours long. You can get a lot of writing in just a few minutes – 10 to 25. But, you’ve got to track the time, which is where timers come in.

2. Timers are Your Friend

Using a timer is a game-changer! It allows you to put boundaries around the time you’re going to spend writing. A timer helps keep you on task and helps keep writing from feeling overwhelming. 

I use the Pomodoro method where I work for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. Many times I end up going longer when the 25 minutes are up.

Whatever you get done in that time is great! And, it is enough. If you need to come back to it, set another time on your calendar, and when that time comes: 

  • Set the stage
  • Choose a reward
  • Set a timer and get going

You can use a physical timer on your desk or one on your phone (there are Pomodoro apps for your phone). Using timers makes your writing feel easier because you put boundaries on the time you’re spending on this task.

Now that you’ve got the stage set and a timer ready to go, what’s the best way to start? I’ve learned to do my SEO research first.

3. Start With the End In Mind by doing SEO Research First

When you’re starting a new blog, begin by thinking about your topic and then do your SEO research. Yup, research your keywords first.

If you do your SEO research last, you may end up having to rewrite most or all of your blog to get them in there. 

When you know the keywords you’re targeting, you can keep them in mind while you’re writing. 

This is another time to use a timer. Don’t spend too much time on your SEO research. Decide what’s a reasonable time for you and stick to it. I recommend 25 to 30 minutes.

Remember, you don’t have to pick the “perfect” keywords. Pick the best ones in the time you’ve allotted. Putting a time limit on your keyword research is another way to speed up your blogging.

Now that you’ve got a topic and some keywords in mind you can move to outlining your blog.

4. Create a Draft Outline

Write a quick and dirty outline. Don’t do your topic research first — that’s the next step. 

You know enough to get an outline done. And, we’re making this fast – right? This is one of the keys to speeding up your blogging.

Ask yourself what your reader wants to know. What problems are they having? How can you and your blog help solve them? 

Then, create an outline covering those points.

You don’t need to write unless you want to. If you’ve got enough knowledge to start writing, you can skip the next step. But, if you need to do research, grab your timer and dive in.

5. Research Your Topic

I know most of us feel we need to know everything about a topic before we can write about it. That’s not true!

You just have to know more than most of your readers.

I recommend researching for a maximum of 60 minutes. I’ve heard of people spending eight to 12 hours researching a single blog. That isn’t necessary and isn’t a good use of your time.

Focus on the research you need to do to fill in your outline. If you come across something that isn’t in your outline, add it if it strengthens your blog.

As you find information you want to include in your blog, fill it into your outline and keep a list of the references (I usually copy/paste the links at the bottom of the outline). 

You’re not writing a lot here. Just put enough information to remind you what you want to say. (Remember, we’re making blogging fast.) Save your writing for your SFD.

6. Do a Speedy SFD

A first draft should suck. Don’t try to make it perfect because it won’t be. This is one of the biggest things that changed my blogging and made it faster and funner.

You just need to get words on the page.

A friend of mine doesn’t let herself hit backspace or delete when she’s drafting. I haven’t been able to get to that. But, I do set a timer (usually 25 minutes) for my first draft and just go. I leave as many as the suggestions that show up for editing.

You don’t have to fill out the outline in order. Start with the section that’s easiest for you to write then do the next easiest, and so on. Finish with the introduction and conclusion/call to action.

Focus on getting some words on the page and the outline mostly filled out. I can usually get a speedy SFD done in 25 minutes.

Then, let it marinate for a while, and have my reward. In a few hours or the next day — it’s time to edit and revise.

7. Edit and Revise

When you’re ready to edit and revise, set the stage just like you’re getting ready to write. Then, set your trusty timer for a time that feels good to you and start editing.

I start by re-reading what I wrote and revising, being sure it flows and my points make sense.

Then, I take a more formal editing pass where I put on my “Editor” hat and look at the storytelling, transitions, grammar, etc., and adjust them. I’ll be sure headings are capitalized and that any references are properly formatted.

Finally, I go through and add bold and italics for the skimmers. I always ask, “If someone only read the bold and italics, would they understand my message? Would they heed my call to action?”

When the editing is done and it’s good enough, I move to get the blog out in the world. 

8. Hit Publish! (Bonus Tip)

The final and most important step is to publish it! Otherwise, it just languishes on your drive and never gets out into the world.

People need your knowledge! They can’t get it if you don’t publish it.

I’m a huge fan of reminding myself “Done is better than perfect.” I’d rather have it pretty good and published than perfect and never published.

Hitting that “Publish” button is fun!

I mean, if I didn’t publish this (even though I know it could have been better), you wouldn’t be reading it. 😜


Now that you’ve got seven, well eight, ways to make blogging fast, easy, and fun I challenge you to block off some time on your calendar to spend some quality time starting your next blog (or finishing that one that’s been languishing unpublished for a while).

Remember, done is better than perfect and the world needs your words!

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