

No More Dieting Doesn’t Mean “Giving Up”

No More Dieting Doesn’t Mean “Giving Up”

You’re sick and tired of the same yoyo cycle of dieting. There are times when you think "No more dieting!" But, starting a new diet can come with hope and excitement that this time it will be different.  And then . . . it isn’t different. Maybe you lose a few pounds,...

Dark Chocolate Dipped Cherries

Dark Chocolate Dipped Cherries

Dark Chocolate Dipped Cherries (or other fruit) Chocolate and cherries are two of my favorite flavors. I also like to use strawberries or apple slices. This recipe is so simple and satisfies that occasional chocolate/sweet craving. Just melt the chocolate in the...

Fast & Easy Baked Chicken Thighs or Breast

Fast & Easy Baked Chicken Thighs or Breast

Fast & Easy Baked Chicken Thighs or Breast If you need some chicken quick, this recipe will help you out. You don’t have to pound the chicken as described. However, it will help the chicken cook faster and more evenly. Some of my favorite herbs/spices include:...

Fast & Easy Chicken Salad

Fast & Easy Chicken Salad

Fast & Easy Chicken Salad This is my “go to” dinner in the summer or warmer months. If I’m short on time or haven’t made it to the grocery store, I can run in, grab a few items, and have dinner on the table in about 15 minutes if I have left over chicken in the...

Banana Berry Breakfast Smoothie

Banana Berry Breakfast Smoothie

Banana Berry Breakfast Smoothie There are times that I want a quick, easy, and fast breakfast. This is my “go to” smoothie recipe. It has a blend of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to keep you fueled all morning. If you find that you are hungry shortly after drinking...